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Missionary of the week

04.07 - Steve and Rowena Barnes
04.14 - Antonio & Diane Navarette
04.21 - Fred & Rachel Whitman
04.28 - Dale & Karen Marshfield

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Prayer requests for the Arthur family

We rejoice and thank the Lord for the following:
  1. The seminary where I serve as director had lots of debt at the beginning of this year. The Lord provided in unexpected ways and the debt has been reduced from about $200,000 to about $50,000.
  2. Our church plant that is starting up at the seminary has a steady attendance of about 60 after only a year and a half.
  3. In spite of health issues and financial crises, the Lord has faithfully kept us on the field of Brazil for almost 25 years as a family.
Please join us in prayer for the following:
  1. Our son Peter, who graduated from Cedarville while we were on furlough there in Toledo (May, 2011) is living in California and preparing for marriage next July. He is working three jobs and trying to keep his head above water. He also has some health issues, such as problems with his back and some difficulties with concentration due to a concussion in high school.
  2. We are very busy! I am preaching in three different churches in the next three weeks and will teach a masters module in Portuguese starting next Monday (Nov. 26). Please pray for me to be ready for this module. I have never given the course (Biblical Theology of the OT) and have had to start from scratch in my preparation. My job as director of the seminary does not leave me enough time to prepare for my classes as well as I would like (I am teaching 10 credits this semester).
  3. Our daughter Jill is a senior in high school this year and she is also very busy. Besides her classes and her sports at school, she plays violin for our church and is spending lots of time taking tests (ACT, SAT) and trying to decide where to go to college. On Nov. 30, she will play Alice in "Alice in Wonderland" at the school play. She has lots of lines to memorize. Pray for her to do well. She wants to do everything well to please the Lord.

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