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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Excuses, Excuses...

Taken from Multiply (

Most Christians can give a number of reasons why they cannot or should not disciple other people:
“I don’t feel called to minister.”
“I just have too much on my plate right now; I don’t have time to invest in other people.”
“I don’t know enough.”
“I have too many issues of my own. I’ll start once I get my life in order.”

As convincing as these excuses may seem to us, Jesus’s commands don’t come with exception clauses. He does not tell us to follow unless we’re busy.
He does not call us to love our neighbors unless we don’t feel prepared.

In fact, if you read Luke 9:57–62, you’ll see several individuals who gave excuses for why they could not follow Jesus at the time. Read the passage and take note of how Jesus responded to
them. It may surprise you

What excuses tend to keep you from following Jesus’s command to make disciples? 
What do you need to do in order to move past these excuses?

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