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04.14 - Antonio & Diane Navarette
04.21 - Fred & Rachel Whitman
04.28 - Dale & Karen Marshfield

Thursday, November 1, 2012

More Romans 5 prayers

Here are two more Romans 5 prayers.

More will be posted as Soul Care groups send them in.

Sovereign Father, Creator of the universe and mankind, We recognize our need for you.  Thank you for the law that shows us our need for a savior.  We are so grateful for your magnificent grace, planned ages ago in advance for us.  We accept the grace that rescues us from the grips of death, who was king, and sets us free, making us righteous.  Please grant us strength to be your ambassadors and reflect your love and mercy to the lost.  Since you stood in our place, grant us the strength to stand in your place.  Be glorified in our battle against sin, because you are worthy of our highest effort and allegiance.  Amen. 
I thank you for your free gift of eternal life that came by grace.  I am thankful that while I was not interested in, or even thinking about you, while my life was lost in turmoil, you invaded my life and opened my eyes to who you are and my need for forgiveness and gave me faith.  I thank you for declaring me forgiven and justified through Christ’s death on the cross in my place.  I thank you for the great, joyous, graced life that you have given me here on earth and the hope I have of being in heaven with you someday, all because of Christ.

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