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Monday, November 26, 2012

Culture of Evangelism

Have you been praying for a growing culture of evangelism at Emmanuel?

This begins with each member treasuring the Gospel in his/her heart.

These ten questions are taken from an article entitled "Ten questions to diagnose the evangelistic health of your church."  Prayerfully consider these questions and your involvement in EBC's culture of evangelism.
  1. Are members more concerned about the lost than their own preferences and comfort? 
  2. Is the church led to pray for lost persons?
  3. Are the members of the church open to reaching people who don’t look or act like them? 
  4. Do conflicts and critics zap the evangelistic energy of the church? 
  5. Do small groups and Sunday school classes seek to reach lost persons within their groups? 
  6. Is the leadership of the church evangelistic? 
  7. Do the sermons regularly communicate the gospel? 
  8. Are there ministries in the church that encourage members to be involved in evangelistic outreach and lifestyle? 
  9. Have programs become ends in themselves rather than means to reach people?
  10. Is there any process of accountability for members to be more evangelistic?

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