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Missionary of the week

04.07 - Steve and Rowena Barnes
04.14 - Antonio & Diane Navarette
04.21 - Fred & Rachel Whitman
04.28 - Dale & Karen Marshfield

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Culture of evangelism AND this quarter's 3E classes

"The Story of God's Glory" will demonstrate that God has made Himself known throughout history.
"God has repeatedly displayed his character in a corporate people. He didn’t just create Adam. He created Adam and Eve. God promised to make Abraham into a great nation. God displayed his character through Israel. Then in the New Testament God purchases the church through the blood of Christ."  Mark Dever
"What We Believe" will help people understand the basics of the faith and live them out in their lives.

"Shepherding a Child's Heart" will help parents and others disciple children.

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