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Missionary of the week

04.07 - Steve and Rowena Barnes
04.14 - Antonio & Diane Navarette
04.21 - Fred & Rachel Whitman
04.28 - Dale & Karen Marshfield

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Disciple making training video

This is a 27 minute section of a very challenging video on discipleship.
This section of the sermon connects well with Pastor Duke's sermon this past Sunday.
I would also encourage you to check out the conference at
We watched this video at the Disciplemaking seminar this past Saturday.

From Multiply with David Platt and Francis Chan from Emmanuel Baptist Church on Vimeo.


by Tom Rainer
1. Thou shalt pray for people in the services whom you don’t recognize.  They are likely guests who feel uncomfortable and uncertain.
2. Thou shalt smile.  You only have to do so for about an hour. Guests feel welcome when they see smiling people. You can resume your somber expressions when you get home.
3. Thou shalt not sit on the ends of the rows.  Move to the middle so guests don’t have to walk over you. You’ll survive in your new precarious position.
4. Thou shalt not fill up the back rows first.  Move to the front so guests don’t have to walk in front of everyone if they get there late.
5. Thou shalt have ushers to help seat the guests.  Ushers should have clearly-marked badges or shirts so that the guests know who can help them.
6. Thou shalt offer assistance to guests.  If someone looks like they don’t know where to go, then they probably don’t know where to go. Get out of your comfort zone and ask them if you can help.
7. Thou shalt not gather too long in your holy huddles.  Sure, it’s okay to talk to fellow members; but don’t stay there so long that you are not speaking to guests.
8. Thou shalt offer your seats to guests.  I know that this move is a great sacrifice, but that family of four can’t fit in the three vacant seats next to you. Give it a try. You might actually feel good about your efforts.
9. Thou shalt not save seats.  I know you want to have room for all of your friends and family, but do you know how a guest feels when he or she sees the vacant seats next to you occupied by three hymnals, one Bible, two coats, and an umbrella? You might as well put a “Do Not Trespass” sign on the seats.
10. Thou shalt greet someone you don’t know.  Yes, it’s risky. They may actually be members you don’t know. And you may get caught in a 45-second conversation. You’ll be okay; I promise.

Saturday, April 6, 2013


One of the Soul Care questions this week is "Consider your last ten purchases.  Did they represent good stewardship or not?  Why did you answer the way you did?"

I included the following statement in parentheses "questions about the use of money usually shut down conversations.  That should not be the case."

In the past when there have been questions about personal finances in the past, people have shared concerns with me about the personal nature of  these questions.

Here is my reason for asking these types of questions.  If finances is one of the most personal areas of life, shouldn't we be willing to talk about this topic with others to help ourselves and others grow.  These types of questions are very revealing.  Shouldn't we desire to grow in transparency.

Let's pray together that each of us would be wise, Godly stewards and that we would help others do the same.

Pastor Dave Rodgers

Friday, April 5, 2013

Excited to be With the church on Sunday NOT @ the church!

recently, I have been reminded over and over again that the church is so much more than a building at a specific location.  The church is a body of believers who gather together to celebrate communion and baptism and worship the Lord by not only listening to sermons but even more so living life together.  

I sent a note out to the teachers this Sunday that contained the sentence...
"Looking forward to being back with the rest of Emmanuel this Sunday!"  

I very purposefully chose those words.  
It was so great to be with believers from our church while ministering in Jamaica.
It will be great to be with the members of our church in worship this Sunday.  

While I appreciate our church building, it is not THE church.
What is most excited about the church is not coming to a specific place, even if there is new construction on the building.

What is most excited about the church is the spiritual growth of people .

Thursday, March 21, 2013

This Sunday...

...we will be having a farewell reception and love offering for Pastor Andrew & Katie as they continue their service to our Lord by pursuing seminary training in WA. Please continue to pray for them and come ready to express your gratitude with a love gift 
that will be presented to them.

Prayer requests from Nick

Some prayer requests,
  • safety during travel and on the work site.
  • opportunity to go to the local schools and talk about the crucifixion and resurrection.
  • for our family members that will be staying here.  It can be tough on children and spouses being gone for 10 days
  • for God to work in each of our lives to show us the great need to spread the gospel around the world.
  • to be an encouragement to our missionaries Ken & Clea Rathbun.
Some things that I am looking forward to on the trip are the opportunity to go to the local schools and to get to know Ken & Clea better. 
We don't get opportunities to speak about anything religious in nature in our schools here in the states, let alone about the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  This is a huge opportunity especially in the week leading up to Easter Sunday.  
I also look forward to getting to know Ken & Clea better on this trip and to hopefully be an encouragement to them and their ministry.  Taking trips like this allows us more time with our missionaries that we don't normally get and gives us an opportunity to really get to know them better and their heart for their ministry.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Prayer requests from the JAM13 team

Joan, Renee, A.J. and others have shared some prayers requests regarding the JAM13 team.  Check out to see these requests and team updates.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Suffering and Prayer

Think about this as you pray.

You may not always know the cause of your suffering 
BUT you can know the purpose of your suffering...  
     God’s glory!

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Battle is the LORD's and the Bible is about the LORD.

This seven minute video from Children Desiring God explain what we want to be teaching and preaching to adults and children @ Emmanuel Baptist Church.
God centered teaching not man-centered thinking.

The story of David and Goliath is not the story of David and Goliath.
The story is NOT about David's sling shot skill or great courage.
The story is NOT about Saul's cowardice.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

A Plea To Pray For Your Pastor...

This is part of a message by John MacArthur on praying for your pastor.

"If we're going to raise the spiritually dead we need the power of prayer. So when you pray for your pastor pray for his safety, his wisdom, his direction and his proclamation. One more, number five, pray for his spiritual strength...pray for his spiritual strength. And this is so general that it isn't even isolated, only to the pastor. But going back in to Ephesians chapter 6 we remind ourselves about the armor of the Christian and spiritual warfare. We learn in chapter 6 of Ephesians verse 12 that there's a struggle not against flesh and blood but against the rulers and the powers and the world forces of darkness and spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenlies and all of that. And we learn about the spiritual battle that goes on as the enemy Satan and his hellions, demons engage themselves to pollute the already weak human flesh and turn us away from spiritual strength and so finally coming down in to verse 18 he says this, "With all prayer and petition, pray at all times in the Spirit and with this in view be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints and pray on my behalf." And then he links it up with proclamation. But it goes both ways. I need your prayers for spiritual strength as well as proclamation. I need you to pray for me. Pray for us that we may be kept from sin, that we may walk carefully not as fools but as wise redeeming the time. Pray for us that our hearts may be more devoted to God and our lives more impressive examples of the message we preach. Pray for us that we may be more completely furnished to all good works and that we may be victorious in all spiritual battles. Pray for us that we may put on the armor of God, that we may be more faithful and wise to win souls, that we may discipline our body and bring it in to subjection lest in preaching to others we would become disqualified. Pray for us."

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Atheist Penn Jillette talks about evangelism...

Penn is an outspoken atheist.
In this video, though, he asks
How much do you have to hate someone 
to not share the Gospel with him?
Penn's atheism is very clear throughout the video
but his appreciation for a man who gave him 
a Bible is also very clear.

The Power of God - The Gospel

From the Gospel Primer (14 and 15)

"Outside of heaven, the power of God in its highest density is found inside the gospel.  This must be so, for the Bible twice describes the gospel as 'the power of God' (Romans 1:16 & 1 Corinthians 1:18).  Nothing else in all of Scripture is ever described in this way, except for the Person of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 1:24).  Such a description indicates that the gospel is not only powerful, but that it is the ultimate entity in which God's power resides and does its greatest work."
"Indeed, God's power is seen in erupting volcanoes, in the unimaginably hot boil of our massive sun, and in the lightning speed of a recently discovered star seen streaking through the heavens at 1.5 million miles per hour.  Yet in scripture such wonders are never labeled 'the power of God'.  How powerful, then must the gospel be that it would merit such a title!  And how great is the salvation it could accomplish in my life, if I would only embrace it by faith and give it a central place in my thoughts each day!"

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Prayer Is a Great Place to Begin Biblical Counseling

"The driving focus of biblical prayer
  asks God to show himself,
  asks that we will know him,
  asks that we will love others.
It names our troubles.
It names our troublesome reactions and temptations.
It names our holy desires.
It names our God, his promises, and his will."

To read the whole article click HERE

Unashamed prayers

2 Corinthians 5:15
he died for all, 
that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him 
who for their sake died and was raised

"God, I want to live a life that is all about you.  
Help me to live out the truth of the gospel as I depend on Jesus more and more.
Jesus Christ died for me.
Strengthen me and help me live my life dependent upon him for His glory."

Then you can pray for specific prayer requests like health and finances as opportunities to glorify God and grow in dependence upon Jesus.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Friday, February 15, 2013

Who is in control?

"It is true: what or who you need will control you."
(When People Are Big and God is Small, p. 14)
Lord, I need you.  But right now my need for ________________ is controlling me.  
It is causing me to ....

In you, God, there is...

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Prayer for your family

This past Sunday in EKIDZ, the lesson title was "God preserves Joseph."
The practical activity we did in the 1st through 5th grade class was making a family prayer list

In light of our current NO FEAR series this prayer lesson would be good for each of us to do.

The two big lessons from this activity are:
1.  Our families are not designed to focus on us.  God needs to be the center.
2.  There are specific things we can be praying for our family members.  Rather than worrying about our family, we should be praying to God for them.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Fear of People...

“1. We fear people because they can expose and humiliate us. 2. We fear people because they can reject, ridicule, or despise us. 3. We fear people because they can attack, oppress, or threaten us. These three reasons have one thing in common: they see people as “bigger” (that is, more powerful and significant) than God, and, out of the fear that creates in us, we give other people the power and right to tell us what to feel, think, and do.” 
― Edward T. WelchWhen People Are Big and God is Small: Overcoming Peer Pressure, Codependency, and the Fear of Man

PRAYER FOCUS:  Don't let me get caught up in the fear of people!

Monday, February 11, 2013

When People Are Big and God Is Small

When People Are Big and God Is Small is a great book that specifically addresses the fear of man.

This post is taken from Justin Taylor's blog

“The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe.” Proverbs 29:25

“Fear of man is such a part of our human fabric that we should check for pulse if someone denies it.”–Ed Welch, When People Are Big and God Is Small.
In order to fear God, not man, here are the steps Welch sets forth in his book, which I’ve just started and would warmly commend:
Step 1: Recognize that the fear of man is a major theme both in the Bible and in your own life.
Step 2: Identify where your fear of man has been intensified by people in your past.
Step 3: Identify where your fear of man has been intensified by the assumptions of the world.
Step 4: Understand and grow in the fear of the Lord. The person who fears God will fear nothing else.
Step 5: Examine where your desires have been too big. When we fear people, people are big, our desires are even bigger, and God is small.
Step 6: Rejoice that God has covered your shame, protected you from danger, and accepted you. He has filled you with love.
Step 7: Need other people less, love other people more. Out of obedience to Christ, and as a response to his love toward you, pursue others in love.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Psalms with the word fortress

Psalm 18
Psalm 31
Psalm 46
Psalm 59
Psalm 62
Psalm 71
Psalm 91
Psalm 144

Friday, February 1, 2013

Fear in the Psalms

Look up these verses and see what they say about fear.
Godly fear or sinful fear...

Psalm 9:20
Psalm 19:9
Psalm 23:4
Psalm 25:14
Psalm 27:1-3
Psalm 33:18
Psalm 34:4, 9, 11
Psalm 36:1
Psalm 40:3
Psalm 46:2
Psalm 49:5

Friday, January 25, 2013

Sanctity of Life

Pray that we would remember the magnificent truth that humans are image bearers.
Man is made in the image of God and therefore has great significance and is precious. 

Watch this video...

Monday, January 21, 2013

Prayer requests from the Luce family

Here are some prayer requests.
  1. Salvation for those who attended the Carols service.
  2. Mark’s responsibilities as team leader, and that the team would be unified as transition is always difficult for some.
  3. Our holiday club has been going well the past  4 Sundays. We have just 2 more Sundays left.  Ashlee’s workmate Charlene has brought her daughter Chanelle.  Charlene’s boyfriend Andrew has been coming as well.  We know that they all three are unbelievers.  Please pray for their salvation.
  4. Our current monthly financial shortage is just over $1200.  Pray that this need will be met.  Pray that individuals might want to support the ministry here.
  5. Ashlee will finish year 12 this September.  Pray for wisdom and direction in her career path.
  6. Spiritual growth of people attending Grace Baptist Church.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Manifestations of Humility

A humble person lives differently than a proud one.  
From the booklet From Pride to Humility
  1. recognizing and trusting God's character
  2. seeing yourself as having no right to question or judge an Almighty and Perfect God
  3. Focusing on Christ
  4. Biblical praying and a great deal of it.
  5. being overwhelmed with God's undeserved grace and goodness
  6. being thankful and grateful in general toward others
  7. being gentle and patient
  8. seeing yourself as no better than others
  9. having an accurate view of your gifts and abilities
  10. being a good listener
  11. talking about others only if it is good or for their good
  12. being gladly submissive and obedient to those in authority
  13. preferring others over yourself
  14. being thankful for criticism or reproof
  15. having a teachable spirit
  16. seeking always to build up others
  17. serving
  18. a quickness in admitting when you are wrong
  19. a quickness in granting and asking for forgiveness
  20. repenting of sin as a way of life
  21. minimizing others' sins or shortcomings in comparison to your own
  22. being genuinely glad for others
  23. being honest and open about who they are and the areas in which they need growth
  24. possessing close relationships

Manifestations of pride

A sample list of pride manifestations from the booklet From Pride to Humility
Prayerfully read through this list, evaluate yourself and ask others to evaluate you.
  1. Complaining against of passing judgment on God
    1. A lack of gratitude in general
    2. anger
    3. Seeing yourself as better than others.
    4. Having an inflated view of your importance, gifts and abilities.
    5. Being focused on the lack of your gifts and abilities
    6. Perfectionism
    7. Talking too much
    8. Talking too much about yourself
    9. Seeking independence or control
    10. Being consumed with what other think
    11. Being devastated or angered by criticism
    12. Being unteachable
    13. Being sarcastic, hurtful or degrading.
    14. A lack of service
    15. A lack of compassion
    16. Being Defensive or blame shifting
    17. A lack of admitting when you are wrong
    18. A lack of asking forgiveness
    19. A lack of biblical prayer
    20. Resisting authority or being disrespectful
    21. Voicing preferences or opinions when not asked.
    22. Minimizing your own sins and shortcomings
    23. Maximizing others' sins and shortcomings
    24. Being impatient or irritable with others.
    25. Being jealous or envious.
    26. Using others.
    27. Being deceitful by covering up sins, faults and mistakes.
    28. Using attention-getting tactics
    29. Not having close relationships.

    Friday, January 18, 2013

    Humble spiritual growth. Do you want it?

    2 Peter 3:18  "But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen."

    Throughout scripture we are commanded to grow and yet 
    we are told that God has provided everything we need to grow.  
    Pastor Duke challenged us this past week (
    We were challenged to examine our lives and grow!

    One of the specific challenges was to work through some spiritual growth questions

    While working through the questions and talking with others, I realized humility plays such an important role in our spiritual growth.

    The following quotes from Stuart Scott's booklet From Pride to Humility need to be considered when it comes to spiritual growth and humility...

    "We cannot come to God without humility"
    "We cannot love God supremely without humility"
    "We cannot be an effective witness for Christ without humility."
    "We cannot love and serve others without humility."
    "We cannot lead in a godly way without humility."
    "We cannot communicate properly without humility."
    "We cannot resolve conflict without humility."
    "We cannot deal with the sin of others rightly without humility."
    "We especially cannot resist sin without humility."

    "We never find the scripture saying 'come on now, you're thinking too poorly of yourself' or 'what you need is to consider yourself more.'"
    "Scripture tells us to stop focusing on ourselves or on what we want."

    Tomorrow morning's post will have a list of manifestations of pride to use for personal evaluation.

    Tomorrow evening's post will have a list of manifestations of humility to also use.

    Monday, January 14, 2013

    Prayer requests and praises from the Logans...

    Here are some specific prayer requests sent on 01.09.13:

    1. That Gradyn (5 1/2) and Jace (4) would trust Jesus as their personal Savior.
    2. The boys are on summer break right (hard to believe with all the snow we are hearing about in the States!) and starting school again in February. Pray they can make more friends, we can meet more parents, and they can continue to learn Portuguese. They love school and are doing great with the language.
    3. The opportunity for us to begin a English Conversation Group in our new apartment to meet more neighbors.
    4. Our church studying Genesis and having visitors coming!

    Sunday, January 6, 2013

    Kimmell Prayer Update...

    We have had a busy holiday season—probably the busiest time of year as it is for most churches. On Christmas day we had a children’s program with over 70 children participating. Many visitors came both for the children’s program and for the Christmas service immediately following. We would ask for prayer that the Lord work in the hearts of those who do not normally come to begin coming each week. Likewise for the children to keep coming. We typically have anywhere from 15-25 children on Thursdays and Sundays, but so many more only come occasionally or not at all.

    Pray that the seeds of the gospel that were planted in the service would take root. We gave each family who attended a small package with some food items as well as a copy of John/Romans and a calendar from the Romanian Bible Society with verses and a Bible reading plan. Pray that the Lord would use these materials to remind the people to read His Word and to come to church.

    We would also ask you to continue to pray for wisdom in the coming year as we complete the purchase of land and the construction of a new building. There are numerous pitfalls in this process, both financially and spiritually. Satan would like to use this time to divide the people and create disunity. We already can see evidence of this. Pray that our family and our teammates, the Warners, will have patience and perseverance throughout the coming months.
    Finally we would ask for your prayers for our upcoming furlough. We are still in the early stages of planning. About 1/3 of our meetings are scheduled, but we are still needing to locate housing, preferable in the Cincinnati area near our sending church, and for all the details that need to happen between now and then as we split our time with furlough planning and ministry responsibilities. We have one more month until the Warners return from their furlough, so we need to remain focused throughout this time.

    Thank you again for your partnership with us. If we can provide any further details or answer any questions, please contact me. We are looking forward to being back at Emmanuel in the coming year.

    In Christ,
    Dave and Ruth Kimmel