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Missionary of the week

04.07 - Steve and Rowena Barnes
04.14 - Antonio & Diane Navarette
04.21 - Fred & Rachel Whitman
04.28 - Dale & Karen Marshfield

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Poverty and Prayer

"The gospel reminds me daily of the spiritual poverty into which I was born and also of the staggering generosity of Christ towards me. Such reminders instill in me both a felt connection to the poor and a desire to show them the same generosity that has been lavished on me. When ministering to the poor with these motivations, I not only preach the gospel to them through word and deed, but I reenact the gospel to my own benefit as well." Gospel Primer, p. 39.

Great reminder that summarizes Pastor Duke's sermon "The Gospel Investment"

Pray for our Groceries for Life ministry.
Pray that we would not only distribute food items to people but also share the life-changing truth of the Gospel!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Pray for humility

Preaching the gospel to myself each day mounts a powerful assault against my pride and serves to establish humility in its place. Nothing suffocates my pride more than daily reminders regarding
the glory of my God
the gravity of my sins
and the crucifixion of God's own Son in my place.

Also, the gracious love of God, lavished on me becauses of Christ's death, is always humbling to remember, especially when viewed against the backdrop of the Hell I deserve

taken from page 27 of the Gospel Primer. Cultivating Humility

In your prayers remember these truths.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

God's Attributes and Our Response

Yesterday's (02.10) Bible reading* section was Exodus 33-25

In Exodus 34:6-7 God proclaims to Moses some of His attributes.
Verse 8 shows Moses response to who God is.

Today prayerfully look at the attributes of God found in His word to us and consider your response to who He is.

In our Bible reading and prayers, we need to not only read about and remember who God is. We must worship!!

And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, “The LORD, the LORD, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation.”
Moses bowed to the ground at once and worshiped.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Road Map Forward

In the morning service this Sunday, we will be celebrating the Lord's Supper.
Come ready to celebrate Our Risen Savior.

After church Pastor Duke will be sharing with the church EBC's Road Map Forward. Part of this Road Map Forward challenge will include nurturing a culture of evangelism and developing a Biblical counseling ministry.

As we come together on Sunday to celebrate the Lord's Supper and hear about the Road Map Forward, pray that we as a church would do the following...
1. We believe the Gospel
2. We understand the Gospel
3. We celebrate the Gospel
4. We live the Gospel
5. We proclaim the Gospel