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04.14 - Antonio & Diane Navarette
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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Manifestations of Humility

A humble person lives differently than a proud one.  
From the booklet From Pride to Humility
  1. recognizing and trusting God's character
  2. seeing yourself as having no right to question or judge an Almighty and Perfect God
  3. Focusing on Christ
  4. Biblical praying and a great deal of it.
  5. being overwhelmed with God's undeserved grace and goodness
  6. being thankful and grateful in general toward others
  7. being gentle and patient
  8. seeing yourself as no better than others
  9. having an accurate view of your gifts and abilities
  10. being a good listener
  11. talking about others only if it is good or for their good
  12. being gladly submissive and obedient to those in authority
  13. preferring others over yourself
  14. being thankful for criticism or reproof
  15. having a teachable spirit
  16. seeking always to build up others
  17. serving
  18. a quickness in admitting when you are wrong
  19. a quickness in granting and asking for forgiveness
  20. repenting of sin as a way of life
  21. minimizing others' sins or shortcomings in comparison to your own
  22. being genuinely glad for others
  23. being honest and open about who they are and the areas in which they need growth
  24. possessing close relationships

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