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04.14 - Antonio & Diane Navarette
04.21 - Fred & Rachel Whitman
04.28 - Dale & Karen Marshfield

Thursday, December 27, 2012

How to Prepare for Sunday's sermon

Taken from Listen Up (click HERE to find out more about this book)
  1.  Look up next Sunday's Bible passage and read it at home during the week.
  2. Pray for Pastor Duke in the middle of the week.
  3. Pray often for yourself, that, by His Spirit, God will grow in you a heartfelt expectation that God Himself will speak to you as His word is preached.
  4. If you can, try not to come to the sermon exhausted, but to come rested and ready to pay close attention.
  5. Deliberately prepare your mind and heart before the sermon and say to yourself:  "This is when God speaks to me."  Pray again:  "Lord, speak to me.  I am listening."
Did you notice 3 out of the 5 tips involve prayer?

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